Monday, August 18, 2008

Mack Daddy Ro-Ro

Here's Rowan's Cali look.

Unfortunately, he came home with his first cold. I think he got it somewhere between LA and La Jolla on the train. Poor guy. He's handling it well though. He's still smiling, but every few minutes, he can't breathe b/c his nose is blocked. We're steaming him a lot. My mom mentioned that you can't teach a kid to blow their nose and I realize that it is so tough for him to not be able to blow it all out. That would really clear him up. In the meantime, we'll keep steaming and using saline nose spray. I know it's mean, but he's so cute right now. He buries his little face in my chest when he gets all upset.

PS- That hot babe with him is Lisa.

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