Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Rosh Hashana + Mama

We had dinner at our house for Rosh Hashana.  Our friends, Korena and Rob, joined Adrian, Rowan and my mom for a lovely Tagine.  It was the first time I cooked Tagine and I have to say it came out great.  It was a preserved lemon chicken with dried cherries and olives.  Pure yum. 

Rowan has started to adore Elijah.  I can tell they will be BFF soon!

In other news, Rowan started to say "MAMA!"  I've been saying "mamamama" and "dadadada" to him and he's started to imitate me.  Yesterday was the first day.  Now, he says it all the time, but mostly when he's upset or wants something.  Go figure!  I'm sure he doesn't know what he's saying yet as it is more of a "mamamamama.....", but it's a start!  I knew he would talk early as he's always been very vocal (just like his mommy).  He's the loudest one in his yoga class, but he's happy as a clam telling everyone his stories in his baby gibberish.  Go Rowan.

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