Monday, May 12, 2008

2 month check-up

We went to the Doc today and Rowan weighs a whopping 9.6 lbs and is 22.5 inches long.  He's in  either the 40th or 60th percentile for length (the Doc said one, then said the other, so I'm not sure which it is), but only weighs in at the 10th percentile.  Little man is catching up on weight though and the Doc isn't worried.  He poots and pees like a champ.  

He had his first shots today.  Poor little guy screamed for a sec, but then he sucked away and was fine.  He's meant to be a bit fussy from it until tomorrow and might have fever, but so far, he's just sleeping it off.  The Doc said everything else looked great.  His belly button sticks out like crazy, which is apparently called "umbilical hernia" but it goes away on its own and is quite common.  It's scary looking though.  It sticks out so far you think it will explode, but I guess he doesn't feel it.  Strong little man....

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