Wednesday, May 7, 2008


It was beautiful out yesterday. What a difference it makes to not
have to bundle Rowan up every time we go out.

Rowan and I have been "strolling" once a week with a friend I met in
pre-natal yoga and her newbie, sammy. We walk along the west side
highway and chat. We also stopped by a kids park in soho and hung
out. I really haven't been to these parks since I was a kid. They're
great. We met another new mom there who was pretty overwhelmed and
compared stories. She has a 2 week old that weighs the same amount as
rowan, who will be 2 months old tomorrow! Rowan's catching up
though. He's eating and pooping up a storm!

Today we try "stroller aerobics." a friend of a friend is teaching
the class outside on one of the piers along the west side highway.
This should be interesting...

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